Thursday, December 5, 2013

Oresama Teacher Ch. 101 + Another Job Opening


//cries tears of joy and happiness

It took me forever but I finally am able to put the chapters into pdf files. ; v ;

So now I don't have to worry about pesky websites directly taking it. If they want it, they're going to need to do some work!! >:c

That being said, chapter 101 is officially finished!

Download Here

I hope you enjoy the chapter!! The quality got worse when I was turning it into a pdf but hopefully I can fix that for the next chapter.


In other news, we are in dire need for another person to join our ranks.

Aquarion Scans is searching for a raws provider for future Oresama Teacher chapters!!!!

The raws we get are directly from, and the quality is not that great. If anyone would be willing to send us better raws to us, that would be great!! If you can be our provider, please email me at:

Thank you!!


And that is the end of this announcement. Thank you for putting up with me, everyone! I will now go work on finals and stuff....x__x
